The Glow Up - A Little Night No. 18

The overall vision is to live a healthy and happy life in accordance with God's will. I don't want to base my standards on what others are doing, though sometimes I am easily influenced. It's always hard because I am inundated with images from advertising, social media, and tv shows showing me how life "should" be lived. How will you show up for yourself daily?

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Life More Abundantly - Little Light No. 16

Culture has definitely shifted to prioritize a "self-made" mindset, with people quickly glorifying what they think they've created. However, it's easy for any of us to get caught up doing that. Something small can make a lasting impact. Be careful about concepts that do not align with your values, regardless of how popular it is.

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February Focus

New month, new goals? ...Not quite. This year I want to be more intentional in checking in with myself at the beginning of each month. I want to spend time looking back at January and making priorities for the next.

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Confronting Fear...Again? - A Little Light No 10

Of Love and Light Newsletter No. 10 - This week I want to intentionally push my comfort zone, extending vulnerability not only in this newsletter but in other areas of my life. I’ve tried to practice self-compassion by staying grounded in this verse: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

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The Unwind. - A Little Light No. 8

Of Love and Light Newsletter No. 8 - We typically live a hurried life. If 2020 forced us to do anything, it certainly pushed us to slow down and appreciate the small moments. Let's take a moment to evaluate where we are. What season are you in? What is your current state, physically and mentally?

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