The Space to Try - A Little Light No. 12

Hey! How has the past week been for you? I feel there is a fresh sense of optimism in the air. 

Here are a few things that have been on my mind.

For the past few weeks, I've had the song My Little Light by Beautiful Chorus stuck in my head. Most of their songs are acapella with simple harmonies that make their lyrics easy to remember. My Little Light has a melody similar to the traditional song "This Little Light of Mine". The lyrics are below.

This little light of mine

Used to be too scared to shine

When mine met yours

It would run and hide

But in time

I came to find

I want to shine so bright

To make the whole world smile

And payback the beautiful feeling

That allows me to be

Whatever I wanna be

And I am gonna be

Free and easy

I've listened to their full album many times over the past 2 years, but this particular song was never my favorite. Yet, it was stuck in my head. As I kept singing the words, the verse began to resonate with me. I can think of several moments I wanted to hide, scared of what others might think. As I mentioned here a few months ago, I tried to talk myself out of creating this newsletter. I was nervous to share it with others, anxious about what others might think. 


A few days ago, I listened to the "Whoa That's Good" podcast where Sadie Robinson Huff interviewed Annie Downs. They discussed how we each have our own God-given gifts and talents and how necessary it is to tap into them. Many people are discouraged to use their gifts because they begin to compare themselves to those around them. Both ladies agreed that the pressure to create something perfect prevents many people from actually trying. Annie, an "expert in fun", shares there's joy in being an amateur (she even has a whole book written about it). We could all benefit from the space to try even if the result isn't attractive. 

The name "Of Love and Light" was inspired by one of my favorite verses, Matthew 5:14-16. We are called to live a life that reflects the love and light of Jesus. I think to myself, how can I aim for that as a goal and be worried? Worried about a perfect product? Worried about what others might think? They simply don't align. 

This week I've been reminded, I have to give myself the grace to try. It's something I'm consistently working on. Back to being nervous about this newsletter... I understand it's still a work in progress. But, I've committed to being here. I took a leap of faith when I pressed send on the first email and every email after. Recently, I experimented with IGTV, started different mediums of art, and even made a TikTok for fun. I'm understanding that giving your full self matters more than perfection. 

I want to shine so bright to make the whole world smile. I can't do that if I don't even try.

Take this with you:

What are activities that you find fun? Are there some things you're naturally good at? Have you limited yourself in those actions by striving for perfection? I found genuine happiness in the three things I tried. Honestly, I had to remind myself in the process to focus on what I'm doing at the moment and not what it might look like to others. Give your space to try something new without the pressure of it being perfect. In reality, we will never be perfect. It's an unachievable goal. 

Please comment below if you have any thoughts or any answers to the questions I've asked. If you aren’t already subscribed to receive this message in your email, you can do so using this link!