With Much to Uncover - A Little Light No. 4

Hey! I’m switching it up this week and popping in your inbox mid-week. These past few weeks have been busy, to say the least. I moved into a new apartment on the first and yet there is still so much to do. Though I was able to move with ease, I didn't have much time to sit down and reflect. I was able to jot down a few thoughts about starting the month in a new space. The light that shines through my windows (and the plants that soak the up the sun) brings me much happiness. Needless to say, I love my new apartment. It was a great way to start the month of September. 

Sneak peek at the work in progress.

Sneak peek at the work in progress.

The prints are currently taped to the wall until I find frames. Why are frames so expensive???

The prints are currently taped to the wall until I find frames. Why are frames so expensive???

Last week, I was able to catch up with my good friend in Rittenhouse Square. We like to check in regularly, using this time to simply relax, read, and deconstruct the emotions we’ve felt since we last saw each other. A few months ago, she started a new job knowing it would be a challenge in a variety of ways. Her job is constantly demanding and requiring adaptation, but she’s learning so much about herself through this process. 

Here are a few things she's learned.

  1. People aren't always aligned: Sometimes people just aren’t on the same page and there are no hard feelings that need to come from that. Endings don't always have to be negative. 

  2. Don’t sweat the small stuff: It’s easy to take something so small and make it much larger in our head. For example, other's tone over email might not be as negative as we perceive them. In a virtual world, it’s a small thing we’ll have to live with and not dwell on. 

  3. The common point between her passion and her current job: Her current field isn’t where she wants to stay, but she was able to find ways her dreams and current reality are related. Recognizing the unconventional ways passion and work overlap actually brings new light and creativity to her projects. 

  4. Sitting in uncomfortable moments: This new position is challenging her to step outside of her normal routine. Ultimately growth is not always comfortable and it's helpful to be reminded of that. Instead of brushing it away, growth can come from understanding those uncomfortable moments and powering through. 

Inspired by our conversation, I began to think about what I’ve learned about myself in the past year since graduating. I’ve discovered what I’m passionate about in my professional and personal life. Before, I was just amazed at the limitless possibilities. Similarly, I’m starting to see where the two overlap. I’ve also grown in my faith, fully trusting God in that process. This has given me new confidence to use what I’ve learned. Putting all of this in perspective, I’m realizing I haven’t looked at that big picture sewing a thread through all of these major and minor changes.


Take this with you

Regardless of the season you may be in, there will always be something new to uncover in our dynamic lives and worldview. It might be easy to get caught up in a routine, but I think it's important to make time to experience those moments where we might feel uncomfortable, awkward, joy, sad, confused, etc. I find myself moving on quickly, maybe even too quickly. Two weeks ago, I shared how I began using Evernote to jot down my ideas and feelings. This week I’ve started intentionally journaling to confronting those feelings and events I might have quickly put aside. What feelings have you pushed away, good or bad? What have you recently learned about yourself? I encourage you to take a moment to think about it and let your mind flow through those moments. 

Please leave a comment below this if you have any answers to any of the questions asked! If this was interesting to you, share it with a friend, and keep the conversation going.

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