The Art of Letting Go - A Little Light No. 7

Here’s an idea that consumed my whole week last week: letting go of control.

Since graduating, I have always had the idea of using my newfound free time to pick up a new hobby. I decided I would hone my artistic skills and dive into watercolor. It's a medium that is super cheap, easy to use, and there are plenty of tutorials out there. My art inspiration Pinterest board is filled with quick little videos, illustrations, easy flower paintings, etc. Every time I saw something really simple, especially abstract blobs and lines, I thought to myself, "Oh, even I could do that". I found myself trying to recreate exactly what I saw on my phone, but being unhappy at the results. I couldn’t get it to look quite like the picture, regardless of its simplicity. 

Learning through replication is not a bad tactic, but in my case, it limited the possibilities of what I could create. I confined myself to a box that I was not succeeding in. Last week, I stumbled on a Skillshare class about art journaling. The presenter shared her method but explained how this way of journaling is meant to be free-flowing and unplanned. It's not about the art, but more about the thoughts that are expressed through the art. I gave it a try, but I had to restrict myself from looking back at her step by step creation of her art journal. I wanted to go back to the video and see what shapes she created, the lettering she used, and where she placed her pictures and text. Instead, I closed my computer, mixed my favorite colors, and painted whatever shapes led its self to the page. 


Instead of art journaling using the prompts shared in the video, I took notes from my journal and transposed them into random shapes, then figured out what could be placed in those shapes and the negative space. I did not plan a layout, colors, or styles with this. After doing one page of notes, I transposed two others, which were sermons from previous weeks. I was able to understand the main points and prioritize what stuck with me by choosing what made it on to the small page. When I finished transposing the notes for the three sermons, I noticed they all had a very similar message. Each speaker asked a variation of the questions, what standards are holding yourself to, and how are you being lead, by the world or by the Spirit? Being lead by the Spirit requires letting go of the ways of the world and personal desires, allowing the space for God’s way. Keyword… letting go. 


I have to actively check myself, recognizing when I am constraining my own potential by trying to control an outcome. When I let go of control in my creative process, I was able to see the bigger picture I might not have seen through the words in my journal. Though painting is a small action, it was good practice to apply to other places in my life, being mindful to literally let go and Let GOD. 

Take this with you: 

We tend to over plan and strive for control of every moment. Even though I consider myself a go with the flow person, there's are still places where I need to loosen my grip on control. What are some things you need to let go of? What are areas that could use less control?  How can you allow yourself to move freely with little constraint? Any activities that come to mind?

A Quick Note: I just created social media accounts for Of Love and Light! At the very end of this newsletter, there are little circles where you can find the website, Facebook page, and Instagram. Please follow and share it with a friend (or two)! 

As always, have a good week! 

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