February Focus


New month, new goals? ...Not quite. This year I want to be more intentional in checking in with myself at the beginning of each month. I want to spend time looking back at the previous month and planning for the next. I have priorities that I set for 2021 and I have to make sure they don't slip my mind as time goes on.

January was an eventful month for me. I started the month in California with a very active schedule. It was relaxing, but also very engaging. Obviously, Covid prevented us from doing large actives and the limitations slowed down the trip overall (in a good way). I was able to take a break, completely unplugging from work and only focusing on the people that were in my immediate surroundings. It was an overall great trip. When I got back, I was happy to be home in my own space. I had to hit the ground running with work and a community org I'm working with, plus it was my birthday week. I had to re-adjust to the time zone and leave behind my vacation mindset.

Now In February, I'm looking forward to creating better habits. I have a lot I want to do and I truly think I can get all of it done if I manage my time effectively. February will be about creating systems to ensure the things I want to make a priority have a designated time and space. This month I want to challenge my self-discipline and consistency. Here are 3 things I want to make a habit:

  1. Devotion/ Quiet time with God

  2. A set time and place to write and create (separately)

  3. A time and place to read
