What Are You Giving Up? - A Little Light No. 14

How are you doing?? I've been super busy, but a good busy!

When preparing for 2021, I had a goal of building a solid foundation in the first couple of months of the year. That would mean setting good habits and building consistency. Since I didn't start the year settled in one place, I added a focus for February of self-discipline. I know everything should have a time and place, it was just a matter of setting a schedule and sticking to it. As I test methods of time blocking, I ultimately know I am only laying the framework as a template in my personal book of resources.

This past week I took a look at Luke chapter 6. The last two verses reminded me why I was striving to build a foundation. I already thought of that goal before even starting Luke, so this was just further confirmation. “It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins." Luke 6:48-49 

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It's also Lent season, which is a perfect time to build better habits. When this time came around each year, the question "What are you giving up?" was always raised. As a child, I probably gave up sweets, but as I grew older I considered looking for a challenge. I gave up meat one year and social media another. Earlier this week, a friend sent me an article about how sacrifice can lead to happiness regardless of if you're Christian or not. The author argues that sacrificing relates to the saying distance makes the heart grow fonder. When you give something up, you understand the value it has in your life. It might help you appreciate it more or help you realize how much you might not need it.  

I can relate to both sides. When I gave up meat, I realized how much meat I truly ate. I also felt healthier with a modified diet. Refraining from eating meat has also led me to incorporate meatless meals into my regular life. I gave up social media for a week in 2020 and it ended up lasting through August because I realize how much I didn't need it. The absence showed my reliance on social media and how my daily actions were shaped by it. This also influenced how I view social media and how I use it today. 

Truthfully, lent snuck up on me this year. I didn't have those conversations about what I was giving up this year. Still, I reflected on what would help me build that solid foundation. I don't know about you, but the first thing I do every single morning is pick up my phone and check my emails and text. At the very moment I wake up, I let myself become distracted by all of the thoughts surrounding the rest of my day. For these next 40 or so days, I want to replace the time spent on my phone in the morning with quiet time, in stillness. Though that may seem small, it's a challenge for me and I think it will have a lasting impact. I'm also reading a Lent bible plan that emphasizes the importance of daily devotion. Here's the link if you're interested in reading it with me! 

Take this with you:

Sacrificing can show us the places where we give the most value. Are there things in your life that you have given too much importance to? What can you sacrifice for the next month? Lastly, Do you have a solid foundation? 


P.S.: In the spirit of trying something new from a few newsletters ago, I'm going to start making videos to accompany the newsletter. Subscribe to my Youtube Chanel, the first one will be this Friday!