Back to the Basics
I had a realization about a month ago. I didn’t know as much about my beliefs as I thought I did. As a child through my high school years, I went to church every Sunday and even paid attention in Sunday school. I remember lessons on classic bible stories, memorizing scriptures, and even the scenarios we worked through. I knew on the surface level, Jesus, God’s Son, died and rose from the grave 3 days later, but the smaller details were cloudy.
This year I’ve gotten involved with Times Square Church young adult ministry, with a friend who has watched their services for many years. We signed up for the late summer young adults small groups and ended up being placed in the same break out group. From every Sunday in August through September, we attended the Small group titled Rooted. We watched a video from Del Tackett’s foundations class then discuss it with our smaller breakout groups for about an hour. Each week was a new topic covering, Jesus’s birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. These discussions opened my mind to the details I left out or forgotten about then were so crucial to the foundations of the Christian Faith. The lessons gave powerful proof to back up all the claims dismissing the reality of Jesus and his relation to God, ultimately providing supplementation for the argument that Jesus is the only way.
I learned so much from this small group and felt the need to continue learning. I’ve committed to reading through the Gospel starting at Matthew so I can have a greater understanding of Jesus’s life and the great promise He fulfills. In addition to reading the Bible, I’ll also be reading Essential Truths of The Christian Faith by RC Sproul. In the next few weeks, I will be documenting what I have learned as I lay the foundations in hopes you learn with me!
“Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given—and you will receive even more. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. ”