You Only Have One Life - Little Light No. 17

It's resurrection Sunday! I've had Testify by Maverick City stuck in my head all week. The second part of the song goes, "Glory, Glory! Hallelujah! I was blind, but now I see! Glory, Glory! Hallelujah! He's alive, and He lives in me!" 


Many people offer advice to twenty-somethings typically boiling down to these are the most influential years of your life, don't waste them. Some suggest enjoying freedom before the true responsibilities of a family arrive. Others suggest settling down and ordering one's life to build the foundation for that family life. 

Regardless of our age, the truth is we only have one life to live. We all will die one day. Honestly, the thought of dying used to scare me. Now, I'm understanding I could live every day like it is my last, not from a place of morbidity. Instead, I could look at each new day as a blessing to correct wrongs and put my best foot forward. Every day is a gift and cannot be taken for granted. 

Over the last few weeks, I've been reading through Luke using a devotional with Times Square Church. For Luke chapter 14, the commentary was titled "Excuses, Excuses, Excuses" to describe the Parable of the Great Banquet. Pastor Tim Dilena says, "You’ve been invited to a big party. Not just a party but God’s party. And it lasts a really long time . . . for eternity. The point is—if you miss God’s party, it isn’t because you were not invited. It’s because you chose to make other things a priority over responding to Him."

This hit home because I am the queen of "I'll do it later". Procrastination has taken me captive more times than I could count. I've thought to myself many times, there will be another opportunity. But there's a chance that opportunity could never come. I've been complacent in some areas of my life and I'm learning self-discipline. I highlighted Luke 14:17-18 and wrote next to it, "Imagine being invited to the Kingdom and saying no because other things are 'more important'. We have to stay ready." 

If you tell yourself something enough times you'll begin to believe it.-6.png

Take this with you:

Get ready and don't wait until it's too late. Start that project, read that book, send that email, make that time in the morning for devotion, begin that workout. We have a life worth living. 

P.S. Take some time to check in with yourself. I've created a quarter reset guide to help recenter yourself with your goals. You’ll be able to use this for clarity and planning now and in the future. Check out this link to download a copy! 

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