Spiritually Fed - A Little Light No. 5

Can you believe it is almost October already? Time has moved so quickly and everything seems to be happening in a whirlwind! Instead of groaning about the end of summer, I am actually going to embrace this new fall season. Last year I found comfort in actually being able to notice the leaves change and feeling energized by the first brisk day. I'm choosing to enjoy this season. 

My spirit was definitely fed over the past few weeks, pushing me to analyze how I choose to move through the world. Everything action is a choice, even the passive action is a choice. Here are two things I watched/listened to.

For His Glory Sisterhood

I am not a huge YouTube fan. I typically don’t watch videos back to back, receiving whatever the YouTube algorithm presents me. However, I stumbled on Melody Alisa’s video explaining the shift in her new content on her Youtube channel. Over a month ago, she decided that her new videos would be faith-based. Her previous videos were mainly about her experience teaching in Korea with a variety of different "day in the life" vlogs. There was a sprinkle of her talking about her faith, but it was not the central focus. Ultimately, she came to a realization that she wanted everything she does to give glory to God, her youtube channel included. I was inspired by her boldness and dedication to being a reflection of God’s glory. She simply said if this new shift is not something you want to hear… this YouTube channel may not be for you. Regardless of what others think, she is standing by this decision. She also created a Facebook group, For His Glory Sisterhood, so others can be encouraged as they continue their journey in Christ. I would highly recommend checking it out!

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Bloom Podcast - Zim Flores

I listened to the episode, Who do you trust, on the Bloom Podcast. Here Zim discusses horoscopes, crystals, the “universe”, and other common beliefs. Though she is a Christian, she mentioned a time where she would check the horoscope each week and when she was superstitious about numbers on her plane and the day she was flying, trying to determine if her plane would crash. She was previously a travel blogger, so she flew pretty frequently. Eventually, she realized she was placing her faith in things that were not God. None of those elements could determine an outcome.

Small things that seem innocent can actually subconsciously change our perspective and transform our beliefs. Collectively those small things add up. I, myself, reflect on times where I listened to trap/ mumble rap every day, knowing the songs did not reflect my reality or the life I wanted. Or times I when I also thought horoscopes could tell me something about my future. Though it may seem insignificant, I truly believe we are what we eat. Within this year, I have taken action to not engage in either. 

Take this with you: 

Those two ladies motivated me to examine my own beliefs, reflecting on what I've actively and passively participated in. I'm asking myself if my actions truly reflect my beliefs. Am I confident enough in what I believe to add boldness to it? Are my beliefs swayed by others? I am finding I have some work to do! So now I ask you, what do you believe and what do your actions show that you believe? 

Please leave a comment below this if you have any answers to any of the questions asked! If this was interesting to you, share it with a friend, and keep the conversation going.

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