Posts in Faith
February Focus

New month, new goals? ...Not quite. This year I want to be more intentional in checking in with myself at the beginning of each month. I want to spend time looking back at January and making priorities for the next.

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Reinvigorating My Goals

I’ve come up with a few ways to help reinvigorate myself to work towards the goals I’ve set. Overall, the mindset is crucial. There’s no way anything will be able to be done without the motivation to do it. This upcoming week I have to maintain the mindset I created.

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What Does It Take?

It’s clear something has to give to live a better life, whatever “better” may mean to you. For all of us its important to think about what we are wiling to sacrifice for our growth. It may be a friend, family member, or significant other, but it could also be bad habits like excessive spending, procrastination, over eating, drinking/ partying, or consumption of media.

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