A New Lens of Clarity: A Little Light No. 1

Hey! This is my first newsletter and it is inspired by many of the newsletters I’ve subscribed to. I personally love hearing what people are thinking about throughout the week, so I hope you do too. It gives me something to look forward to in my inbox that isn’t another promotional sale I care nothing about. I hope this provides a little light for your week to come. Here are three things I've enountered or consumed within the past two weeks.

  1. Are people inherently good? 

    I’m not going to get too philosophical on ya, I promise. A friend sent me this podcast from On Point hosted by Meghna Chakrabarti discussing a new study “proving” that people are inherently good. There were two sides to the coin presented: the classic nature versus nurture argument. The researcher with the side “people are inherently good” had an ultimate call to action suggesting we should build our society with the assumption that everyone is and can be good. He uses two examples, 1. The prison system and a place of reform and 2. the workplace as a place where people can self manage.

    Now, I’m not sure if people are inherently good but I do believe that everyone has the capability of being good. Our society would definitely operate differently if others saw the good in everyone and worked with people to reach that ounce of goodness. Like mentioned, the prison system would look completely different and there would be a value in the lives of those who are incarcerated.

  2. Elevation Church - “Lonely Places” 

    As we’ve been in quarantine, I’m sure all of us have been alone, intentionally or not. Though I’ve tried to create the intentional alone time, I oftentimes fail. I sometimes want to journal and spend time by myself, but I’m distracted by a tv show or maybe a youtube video. This message inspired me to make more of an intentional effort to do this. This week I’ve tried to start a habit of morning walks for about an hour before my workday starts. It’s a great way to start my day in a clear and positive headspace.

    Fewer people are out in the morning, especially now, with fewer places to go. Those people who are out with me at 7 am are more inclined to ask me how I am doing. I‘ve had conversations with a construction worker and a man with a new puppy whos very excited to be out at that time. Those friendly interactions are small, but actually bring me joy.

    Here are my notes on the sermon.

  3. El Flamingo @ Attico 

    I consumed an El Flamingo in the pouring rain at a rooftop bar with two friends. Fortunately, Attico was well prepared with a tent and a plastic covering to shield the rain. The drink itself was unexpectedly sour, but it was a cute pink slushie with a mini umbrella. We got together because one friend was moving the next day. The other friend suggested since she’s moving home, she should take some time detaching especially because she just graduated a few months ago. Take a week or two without social media and relax, she suggested. I cosigned and told her that ALL of the drama that came with the variety of extracurriculars we were all apart was silly. It only existed within the small realm of the campus and college world we lived in. I only came to that realization after detaching. Once I started my real job, in the real world I quickly realized the drama I was worried about in college was insignificant. It was so tiny compared to the large world with new people who haven’t even heard of the orgs I was apart of. Detaching has given me such clarity on the world around me and it’s funny to look back on the opinions I cared about in my years in school.

Take This with You

As the week begins and a new month has started, this is a great time to reflect and realign ourselves to our goals. Maybe it involves some intentional personal time of clarity. Maybe it’s detaching from the voices distracting us or keeping us in a false reality. Maybe it’s time to quiet yourself and hear from God. Is there anything you can look back on from a new lense of clarity? Something maybe you wish you knew. What would you change? How would you use this knowledge for your future?

Please leave a comment below this if you have any answers to ANY of the questions asked ANYWHERE in this text. If this was interesting to you, share it with a friend, and keep the conversation going. I’ll read and respond to anything that comes my way.

Have a blessed week.