Reinvigorating My Goals


As I wrote earlier here, I was feeling overall unmotivated in my personal life. I couldn’t quite muster up the motivation to get back on track after losing my focus mid-January. I was still working towards my goals, but it felt like more of a chore rather than something I wanted to do. Though I’m still working to get through this, I’ve come up with a few ways to help reinvigorate myself to work towards the goals I’ve set.

  1. Clean and Organize

    The very first thing I had to do was clean my apartment. For me, this was the major thing that was preventing me from coming home and relaxing or working on some personal tasks. I live in a small place so something as little as a shoe being out on the floor makes for instant clutter. I started by putting everything in its rightful place including my hair products back in the bathroom, my shoes back in the box, and folding every article of clothing that was clean.
    In general, I find that a clean house is the first step in feeling organized. A complete mess is a clear signifier when my life is in a disarray. Without a clean space there’s no room to work, mentally and physically. My problem is procrastination when it comes to picking up. To further prevent a build-up, leaving me feeling overwhelmed I will continue to do something around my house every day. Today I will wash the few dishes I have in the sink before it becomes too much to manage.

  2. Make a list and check it twice!
    I get satisfaction from checking off something I planned to do. I get a feeling of accomplishment regardless of the size of the task. For the first week of February I wrote down a list of things I needed to do for work, personal task, spiritual, habitual, and for this blog. Those bled into the second week, but I did find I was making progress during both weeks. Just having a reference to-do list keeps me grounded, giving me guidance when I don’t know what to do.

    Today I’m going to take another look a the goals I did accomplish these past two weeks and a look at those I did not. I intentionally took the time to do a few things I was putting off like starting my taxes and emailing my building manager. Those two specific tasks were easy things I was simply procrastinating doing.

  3. Revisiting Inspiration

    I’m often inspired by a podcast, sermon, or blog post. Those typically spark action for me, giving me the right tools or mindset to be thinking about my goals. I feel amped up when I’m listing to others talk about how they got to where they are even if the road was easy (because it’s typically not). Those are the things that give fuel my passion.

    Today I read a blog that was sent to me during the summer. Honestly, one of the inspirations for me starting a blog. The author wrote about taking a new risk each month, encouraging their readers to do the same. It resonated with me because one of their fears was sharing their own ideas with the public. Seeing another person do, gives me the inspiration to do it myself. I am actively trying to replace my fear of risk by applying confidence.

    Moral of the story: the mindset is crucial. There’s no way anything we will be able to get anything done without the motivation to do it. These are just three tasks that helped me create a mindset ready to get started and work.