Lonely Places - Elevation Church
As we’ve been in quarantine there are times we have all been in a “lonely place”, alone with just ourselves. It might have been intentionally, trying to get away from others we are stuck in the house with, or unintentionally, since barriers prevent us from interacting in person. We don’t have the same social life as we once did. Regardless of why you have been in a place (physical or mental) alone by yourself, God will meet us there. On Sunday, July 19 Pastor Steve Furtick preached about being in a lonely place, the benefits of it, and how we can continue to hear from God while we are there. Here are the main points from that sermon that connected with me.
Anchor text
Jesus needed to spend time alone with himself to align himself with his purpose, GOD’s purpose. There are many times Jesus can be found praying alone, in a secluded place. (Vs.33)
We need time to be isolated from all of the voices in our surroundings so we can align ourselves with God’s purpose and not the pressures from everyone else.
Pastor Furtick says “If you never spend any time disconnected from the external, you will always be driven by agendas from the outside… you’ll end up scrolling through everyone else idea of purpose.”
We’re hooked on so many different things, even when we're “alone” we aren’t sometimes there are still thoughts, voices, apps, notifications that are distracting us.
Jesus was not conformed by others. People were looking for him, and throughout the Bible people always had an opinion on what Jesus should have been doing (vs 36)
Always seek the kingdom of God first and don’t be moved by what others are saying you should do.
“Operate in peace, not pressure. Set your eyes on things that are eternal, not temporal”
Jesus knew what he came for and didn’t stray from that goal. (vs 38)
Again, Jesus withdrew to realign with God and his assignment
The rest of the anchor text
Jesus healed the man with leprosy because… that’s what he came to do!
The law at that time allowed anyone who got with a certain distance to attack a person with leprosy because they were highly infectious. People with leprosy had to cry out “unclean” to warn people not to come near. Instead, Jesus let the man approach him.
Jesus also touched the man, which was unthinkable in society at the time. He healed.
We have spots too. We are also unclean in many ways
Jesus will clean our spots
This inspired me to seek a lonely place intentionally. I get so used to my routine and practically living with my boyfriend, I don’t have much time completely alone. Though, I make time to devotion it’s not always done with intention. When I first watched the sermon during their live broadcast, a lady in the chat section mentioned taking nature prayer walks. This sounded like a great way to focus on God in a place of isolation. Inspired I am going to try to to make that a habitual practice. There will always be plenty of distraction, but I want to intentionally detach from the voices in my surrounding to hear from God.