To My Younger Self

As if I have not said it enough, I have a goal to write more. I never considered myself a naturally talented writer. Almost a year ago, I decided to start a biweekly writing habit. I felt wildly unqualified to the first newsletter a couple of friends or even share it with others. I did not go to school for writing, majoring in English, Journalism, or Creative Writing. I didn’t realize you don’t need a specific requirement to pick up a pen or grab your computer and start writing. 

Recently I was asked, "What is a piece of advice you would tell your younger self?" My mind went straight to that point. I then began reflecting on others so, here are five pieces of advice I would tell my younger self.  

You do not need natural talent to be good at something. 

Yes, we all have our gifts and talents, and it is clear that everything is not for everybody. However, there are PLENTY of skills that you can learn. Sometimes all we need is the first step to do some research and try what we learned. Consistency is the foundation for improvement. Take a moment to yourself. It is okay to be alone and relax. You do not need activities or conversations filling every silent moment. Taking a break is not a sign of weakness. We all need rest. The world does not revolve around you. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed, I look out of my window on the 10th floor and see the hundreds of cars going down Broad Street. I see the people walking in and out of the gas station. I see the dogs and their owner playing fetch on the vacant lot. Not one person I see knows who I am. The people likely do not care about the tiny things I may worry about. They’re not going to care if I start learning the new skill I might be nervous to try. Life still goes on! You are more valuable as your most authentic self. As I wrote in our last newsletter a few weeks ago, there is value in authenticity. Your best self is your honest self. The world would be a dull place if we all strived to conform to one another. You provide a unique perspective.  It is okay to try something and determine it was not for you, or maybe it was! I thought I was going to be a YouTuber for a solid week. I made two videos and realized this is not for me. It was far too time-consuming and editing is a pain. It was fun the first time, but I was not passionate enough to keep up with it. Circling back to the first point, you will never know what you are good at or what you can learn if you do not try. 

Here are some others from friends and family! Take what you need :) 

  1. Ask questions! Curiosity is a valuable skill. 

  2. Trust your gut

  3. Know yourself and be true to yourself. 

  4. Dream bigger

  5. It will all come together. 

  6. I’m proud of you

  7. Keep going

  8. Worry about yourself 

  9. Work to your standard, not other people’s actions or opinions. 

  10. Don’t chase after people. 

  11. Live in the moment

  12. Adulting is not worth the rush

  13. Patience is your friend alongside it. 

Take this with you 
Reflect on the question: What piece of advice would you give your younger self? How can you use the advice today? Maybe there is someone you can share it with. Or maybe, you need to reaffirm yourself with a piece of that advice. 

Do have a piece of advice you'd like to add to the list? Reply to this email!