

Though we are in the second full week of July, though it feels like the first week, it is a fresh start after a LONG holiday weekend and one very short work week.


Last month, I set an intention for the summer. Encouraging us all to find activities that will help us slow down and enjoy the long days of the season. This month, I paused to revisit my overarching goals. I discovered the 12-week year as a way of planning for big-picture goals and implemented it around this time last year.

Here’s a quick refresher on the 12-week year concept: We often plan for the year, without thinking about what each month or even week looks like to achieve the goal. By planning for 12 weeks, you can do more by having a few specific focuses instead of a general one. The goals should be anchored in the overall vision and I’d highly encourage taking a moment to just dream about what the future could hold for your life. The beauty of planning for 12 weeks is that there is no time constraint. It can be started whenever you want. I love that, but I also love that if I started this week it will align with the end of September and close out Quarter 3.

I have 3 areas of focus for the next 12 weeks.

  1. Consistency in habits

    I struggle with self-discipline sometimes. I have gotten very lax with a few habits that I know I want to be a strong foundation in my life. For example, an ideal morning is one spent not rushing, waking up early to have devotion, gathering my breakfast and lunch, and leaving on time for work. I also want a similar routine at night with reflection and reading before bed. Becoming consistent with this routine will build a moment of peace in my day, especially when times are hectic. Inevitably, times will get hectic.

  2. Commitment to creativity

    Creative hobbies are a means of rest for me as we’ve talked about. Within the next 12 weeks, I will work towards a finished project. Right now, I am planning to create an illustrative print and am researching the steps required to do that from start to finish. Having a project will allow me a creative outlet while also giving my mind a challenge when I feel restless.

  3. Financial

    Now, as you know, I went on a trip to Italy last month. I saved throughout the year for travel, but I haven’t really looked at the bigger picture in a while. I want to focus on managing financials including credit card spending, savings, and school. My goal here is to pay down my credit card and beef up my savings.

How am I going to set myself up for success?

For consistency, I will create a habit tracker and weekly reflections.

For creativity, I will plan the next 12 weeks with milestones for creating a finished product from start to finish.

For financial goals, I will use a budging app to monitor spending with checkpoints throughout the twelve weeks.

Here’s a look at the next month and my weekly reflection template using notion:

I find this month a perfect time for me to start new goals because it is slow. Granted, I start a summer class this week and I might retract that statement. But right now, summer’s lull is in full effect.

Have a great week!

I find this month a perfect time for me to start new goals because it is slow. Granted, I start a summer class this week and I might retract that statement. But right now, summer’s lull is in full effect.

If you take nothing else from this, please take the weekly reflection template. Of course, you do not need Notion to reflect. Grab a piece of paper a jot down a few points for how your week went and what you are feeling. I’ve used something similar in the past and found it so helpful to remember what I actually did that week and how I felt.

Have a great week!


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