Back to the Basics - A Little Light No. 22

I don’t have a journaling habit. Okay, I’ve said it. I also know that's okay. 

I’ve used many forms of journaling. I indulge my creative side by gluing pictures and text in my art journal. With coordinated colors and themes, I carefully add my thoughts to small sections on the page with my neatest handwriting. I was consistent with prayer journaling, starting each page in the lined notebook with a praise list. At the start of 2021, in an effort to cut back on the number of journals I have, I created a digital journal. I started a dream journal on my online notion page by cataloging the details I could remember the next morning. One could even argue, this newsletter is an open-face journal. I write to you sharing my reflections every other week with serious thought. However, my current journaling practice is all over the place, like the many thoughts swirling through my head. 


Many people agree journaling is life-changing. In a Huffington Post article about journaling Meera Lee Patel says, “Journaling is a great way to release stress and neutralize anxiety, allowing you to remove the thoughts that are continually cycling in your head by placing them onto paper... Many find that after journaling, their minds are clearer, calmer and better equipped to evaluate solutions for the issue at hand.” 

I’d like to build my next journal habit. It may be a mixture of all of the forms of journaling above or maybe I'll stick to one. Either way, I’ll figure that out as we go. I’m saying this here because sharing is a form of accountability. :) I have a feeling the next couple of weeks are going to bring change, and likely a bit of uncomfortably. I have the option to sit here and worry about the future or ground myself with spiritual truths. Additionally, I’ve been home in D.C for the last two weeks and my mind has been on vacation. Even though I was working from home, I had a great distraction from family and friends. I only had to focus on the present. It's back to the real world for me! 

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With all of that said, let’s get grounded. Here are some questions to consider this week.

First, let’s zoom out. I love starting with this question. I’ve asked it a couple of times here already. What season are you in? Let’s expand, what do you think God is teaching you at this moment? 

Second, is there anything that is bringing you anxiety or stress? What are you neglecting? Who or what are you avoiding?

Lastly, reinforce yourself with the truth. Make a list of affirming statements or elaborate! Here’s one you can steal if you believe this with me: Though I might not know what comes next, I do know that God is working it all out ahead of me. I just need to take one step at a time. I know this because Paul writes in Romans 8:28, “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Take a moment to yourself this evening. 

Comment below if you have any thoughts or any answers to the questions I've asked. Please share with a friend! If you aren’t already subscribed to receive this message in your email, you can do so using this link!