
People bundled their winter coats and scarfs pick up the pace to reach their destination. It seems now everyone is in a rush. The indulgent days of summer have been pushed out by the sharp wind of Autumn...

The clean sharp wind of Autumn sweeps the indulgent days of summer far away. Evenings no longer exist. At 5 pm night covers the city with very little warning. I should expect it since I know it’s going to happen every day around the same time. But, I'm surprised every time. The cool air is gentle. It calmly grazes your face, unlike the smack winter hands out.

I’ve watched the trees change from a confident green, to bright yellow or orange. I remained cautious of that this year. I wanted to acknowledge the change of season I so often overlook. The appreciation comes with a change of pace, and the ability to pause and take in what’s around you. I felt myself denying fall though its something so natural I could never run away from. With this, I was unprepared for her arrival resenting something I did not take the time to understand. Now, I can bask, bask in the beauty and warmth of fall.

November 12, 7 pm

OtherLauren Smith